Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Peculiar Curiosity

How in the world do they get the peanut butter inside the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup? Why does hair grow back thicker after you shave? Why is it that two people can eat the exact same thing and one likes it and the other detests it? Seriously, where does your fat go when you lose weight? What makes water so...unique? What really happens when you crack your knuckles? Why do deaths seem to happen in threes? What is the secret to joy? Why do we always wish for something better? Why are the colors richer in a sunset than they are in a sunrise? How come things seem more real in dreams at times than they do in waking hours? Why do we, as humans, need companionship? What is it that makes the smell of an upcoming rain storm so utterly irresistible? How does the Internet really work? Are we naturally bad and work at being good or are we naturally good and the world makes us bad? Why does God take such an interest in us? Why do we keep ignoring Him? Why don't we treat others the way we want to be treated? So, the answer to most of these question is "Well, Beka, we live in a bad, bad world. It won't be better until Jesus comes again." That could be true. In fact, it probably is, but I did want to send these questions out into cyberspace.

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